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Discover the splendid castle of Gradara and the village that formed the backdrop
to the great love story of Paolo and Francesca. The castle fortress: a few kilometres from the Romagna Riviera, within the enchanting medieval scenery of the village of Gradara, cultural events await you, events such as: “The Siege of the Castle”, “Romantic Gradara” the “Christmas Castle ”as well as festivals, exhibitions and other events. Guided tours of the Gradara fortress and themed itineraries possible for families and small groups: visitors are accompanied to discover the history of Paolo and Francesca

Misano W.C.

Misano W.C.

The legendary racetrack of Romagna, the track of the world championship – but not only. Misano World Circuit – a gigantic area dedicated to motors is a real theme park for driving lovers.

The track is 4226 metres long, there are four entrances and it is approved to host 75,000 visitors, of which 26,000 are on the grandstands. The enlarged press room can accommodate 320 workstations.Thanks to the new artificial lighting system, 17 towers and a generator for night races have now been set up.

The Pink Night

The Pink Night

The Pink Night is the big summer party, the summer New Year on the Riviera. As has been customary for several years now, the entire Romagna Riviera is getting ready to party on the first weekend of July. The most awaited event of the summer: it unites the main tourist centres that rise along the Romagna and Marche coast, which become the stage for many shows.

Live the craziest night of the year, where everything is in party mode and you forget about the passing of time. Concerts and entertainment will guarantee hours of pure fun.

Oltremare Theme Park

Oltremare Theme Park

Riccione’s futuristic zoological park, with recreated natural environments and exhibitions dedicated to sealife In the fabulous setting of the Dolphin Lagoon, famous shows are held throughout Italy. Oltremare is the world in which the elements of nature become an opportunity for discovery and fun for adults and children!
The largest and most beautiful dolphin lagoon in Europe is the beating heart around which Water, Air, Earth, Fire and Energy tell about life in the most exciting way possible! The most beautiful lagoon in Europe, the birds of prey refuge, Darwin tropical forest and the Planet Earth can be found in Oltremare.



The largest and most important water park in Europe is located in Riccione.

Fun for everyone: daring or for the whole family.
90,000 square metres of greenery on the Riccione hills with over 3 km of slides: from the kamikaze, to the Extreme River, from the Speedriul to the Rapid River, from the brand new StrizzaCool to the Tobagas … and then the immense Wave Pool, the Poseidon, the foam party, animations, shows, characters, big events and the presence of radio Deejay …

Aquafan is also the kingdom of children, with 3 dedicated areas, with water games and animations.
Summer is not summer without Aquafan!

Aquarium of Cattolica

Aquarium of Cattolica

The largest aquarium on the Adriatic Riviera, with four different nature trails within it. One of the few aquariums in the world where you can admire the great Toro sharks containing more than 3000 specimens of 400 different species. A magical place for the whole family, with 4 completely covered routes. The largest sharks in Italy are some of the protagonists of this exciting experience.

The Aquarium covers an area of 110.000 square metres, overlooking the sea and it is possible to use the following services: relaxation areas, adjacent beach, catering, bars, thematic shops surrounded by greenery.

Italy in miniature

Italy in miniature

In Wonderland, size is an infinite game where feeling huge or very small is a priceless emotion. Enter a real miniature world to have fun and amazement among the evocative atmospheres of Venice, the epic ones of Cannonacqua and the child-proof interaction of the Interactive Driving School, a journey that from dry land leads to sliding gently on the water or travelling suspended in mid-air.

In the midst of 273 miniatures that reproduce the Italian architectural heritage with meticulous care, surrounded by over 5000 miniature trees, come and discover many small worlds. Italy in miniature: an unforgettable experience for the whole family.



A beautiful park made of simple and magical attractions suitable for the whole family, especially if you have small children, we had a great time! Ideal for spending a carefree family day. Experience all the magic of the Fiabilandia shows. Not just attractions! Don’t miss the original and fun live shows, which are presented throughout the day.

Not one … but two aquatic areas! Palm beach, the relaxation beach and Maui Island, an aquatic area, full of colours and characters that populate the seabed.
The fun has no end! Come and explore all the attractions of Fiabilandia. We are waiting for you!

San Leo

San Leo

The Romans built a first fortification on the top of the mountains. During the Middle Ages, the fortress was bitterly fought over by Byzantines, Goths, Franks and Lombards. In 1400 the engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini had the task of redesigning the fortress and preparing it for new war needs. The fort of San Leo thus assumed a strategic meaning, becoming an impregnable fortress. From 1631 the fortress was adapted to a prison in whose narrow cells, Felice Orsini and Cagliostro were imprisoned. Today the Rocca’s, removal of the nineteenth-century superstructures that altered its elegant Renaissance lines, has returned to its architectural splendour which makes it one of the most celebrated examples of military art.

San Marino

San Marino

Imagining it is not enough, come and experience it. The Republic of San Marino is sub
divided into 9 castles or districts, each of which is led by a Council (Giunta) and the head of the Giunta di Castello (castle) is the Captain of the Castle.
Among these, the Castle of San Marino represents the capital. Each of these nine fortresses reserves something unique and exciting to discover.
But San Marino is not only famous for its splendid castles and for its breathtaking views, this small Republic is, in fact, renowned for cycling excursions, trekking experiences along the paths of its lands, for native wines and excellent cuisine that you can enjoy in its typical restaurants.

Frasassi caves

Frasassi caves

The discovery of these splendid caves by geologists and speleologists is quite recent, in fact, it dates back to 1948 when the entrance to the River Cave was discovered: a branch of more than one kilometre long was stumbled upon in a passage called the “Worm’s narrow path”. This would open up to the wonder of young researchers about five kilometres of new caves, burrows, wells and imposing tunnels. The “Big wind cave” was then discovered and at the end, the conjunction between the two cavities. The conditions for making them accessible to tourists with a comfortable path of about 600 metres were thus created. Numerous tourists continue to visit these enchanting places where they can appreciate the beauty, splendour and the greatness of nature.



Urbino, a Unesco World Heritage Site is the Renaissance of the new millennium. Its
Ducale Palace desired by the great Federico da Montefeltro, with its rooms, its famous facade with turrets and the magnificent courtyard, is a wonderful example of architecture of the time and houses the National Gallery of the Marche with precious paintings by Piero della Francesca, Laurana and Raffaello, whose house has been transformed into a museum. The ancient capital of the Montefeltresco duchy that stands on top of two hills, is one of the major tourist destinations, for its history and for the many monuments and works of art contained therein. It was with Duke Federico II, that Urbino reached its maximum artistic splendour, after reaching the territorial supremacy torn from the Malatesta family.